
As a Walden University graduate student, I'm beginning this blog as part of my course work. I've used a website for several years now for my elementary students and their parents, but I'm new to the world of blogging.

The purpose of this blog is to assist me, my fellow Walden colleagues, and others to learn more about the field of instructional design. Along the way, I'm hoping to learn more about the world of blogging!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Reflection on Learning Theories and Instruction

Learning Theories and Instruction has certainly deepened my understanding of learning theories.  Even though I’ve been an elementary teacher for eight years, my teacher certification training did not include much in the way of theory.  I feel that a renewed focus on learning theories, learning styles, technology, and motivation have already benefited me in the classroom.


One area of the course that intrigued me was Siemens’ Connectivism.  We are exposed to an overwhelming amount of information on a daily basis.  Connectivism helped me to understand the connection between this abundance of information, the need to offload our cognitive capacity on networks, and the use of technology to connect with networks of people and data (Laureate Education, 2009).  The mind maps we created helped me to visualize and understand the connections of my personal network.


Throughout the course, I’ve had the opportunity to reflect upon myself as a learner.  As we studied cognitive theories, I realized that I learn more effectively when I’m an active participant in the learning, and when I’m given the opportunity to apply that knowledge (Ertmer & Newby, 1993).  When I’m learning, I like to see the big picture, the instructional goal, but I also need the material broken into manageable chunks with smaller goals set along the way (Laureate Education, 2009).  Accomplishing smaller goals along the way helps me to stay focused and avoid becoming overwhelmed.  I also realized through our course readings that the feeling of isolation that I have experienced is a common problem among distance learners (Huett, 2008).  Acknowledging this has helped me see the benefit of creating new networks to feel more connected in my virtual classroom.  As this is only the second course in the program, I also realize that this is part of the distance learning/online adjustment period. 


One “light bulb” moment (that’s what we call it in my classroom) that I had during the course was that I cannot, and should not, try to constantly adjust my teaching style to meet the needs of each individual’s learning style.  Instead of designing this learning experience to reach visual learners and that learning experience to meet kinesthetic learners, it is more effective to consider the content and the best way to present the given material.  We also spent time during this course considering what technology could be used to present material or assist students in the learning process.  Reading The Horizon Report about up and coming technology was both exciting and intimidating.  The ways in which teachers and instructional designers create learning experiences will continue to expand with 1:1 technology, gaming, cloud-based applications, and even learning analytics with its goal of tailoring learning experiences to meet a student’s needs and abilities in close to real-time (Johnson, 2012).  We can put fabulously designed, technology-enhanced learning experiences in front of students, but are the students motivated to learn?  As we read this week, distance learning provides its own unique challenges to instructors and designers attempting to motivate students (Huett, 2008).  We know that some people are more intrinsically motivated than others, but it is encouraging to learn that as instructors and designers, the learning environment we create can impact “both the direction and intensity of a person’s motivation (Keller, 1999).


Through this course, I’ve learned more about blogging and created my own blog.  I learned about RSS readers and plan to continue expanding my knowledge of their use.  Both blogging and an RSS reader will help me stay better connected to the fields of education and instructional design.  I’ve also gained a deeper understanding into the ways in which people learn and different strategies to help them learn.  Of course, woven through all of the theories and strategies is the use of technology in education.  These are all considerations that I will take with me as I continue on my journey of completing my master’s and becoming an instructional designer.   



Ertmer, P.A. & Newby, T.J. (1993).  Behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism:  Comparing critical features from an instructional design perspective.  Performance Improvement Quarterly, 6(4), 50-71.

Huett, J., Moller, L., Young, J., Bray, M., & Huett, K. (2008). Supporting the distant student: The effect of ARCS-based strategies on confidence and performance. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 9(2), 113–126.

Johnson, L., Adams, S. and Cummins, M. (2012). The NMC Horizon Report:  2012 Higher Education Edition. Austin, TX: The New Media Consortium. Retrieved from

Laureate Education, Inc. (2009). Behaviorism and Instructional Design. [Video Podcast]. [With Dr. Jeanne Ormrod].

Laureate Education, Inc. (2009). Connectivism. [Video Podcast]. [With George Siemens].


Saturday, December 15, 2012

Learning Theories - My Personal Connection

I had little training in learning theories when I went back to grad school to earn my teaching certification.  This course has definitely broadened my exposure to and understanding of the different learning theories.  As I learn about designing learning for others, I have also gained a better understanding of how I learn and what factors impact my learning.


We studied Knowles idea of andragogy which focuses on adult learning.  Many of Knowles’ ideas match my own feelings about learning.  I like to be able to take ownership in my own learning, by being able to direct what I’m learning and to set the pace of the learning.  I appreciate when I have the opportunity to choose the professional development that I want to attend.  (Unfortunately, this does not happen often enough.)  As an adult, I find that I’m most interested in learning about topics that are relevant to my life, both education and personal (Conlan, 2003).  When I’m required to sit through meetings where the information is irrelevant, I feel frustrated at the waste of time.  In contrast, it is quite stimulating to gather new information that I can immediately put to use.  For example, as we created our mind maps and read about the usefulness of graphic organizers, I immediately stepped up my use of these with my own students.  I also realized that as a visual learner, I learn better when I’m able to organize information graphically.  Another aspect of andragogy is the idea that adult learners are motivated more by internal factors, rather than external factors (Conlan, 2003).  This is true of myself; the pure satisfaction of learning something new or completing a class is gratifying. 


Through reading about connectivism, I better understand the importance and complexity of using networks of people and technology.  I have read many postings during this class where colleagues have commented about the complexity and sheer overwhelming feeling when dealing with technology and the pace of change.  With this abundance of information, we need to offload our cognitive capacity onto a network of people and technology (Laureate Education, 2009).  I learn better in a collaborative environment (face-to-face or virtual) rather than isolated.


Technology plays a huge part in my learning and my teaching.  While I’m a digital immigrant and don’t have the expertise or experience of some of my classmates, I feel that I am constantly learning and implementing new technology in both my personal and professional life.  Through my colleagues at Walden and our course readings, I’ve been exposed to many new technology ideas that I will continue to explore and learn about.  Like many people, when I need to find out something I Google it.  Of course, I can’t imagine being a teacher without technology.  The internet is a main source of ideas for the teachers I work with, especially as we transition into the new common core standards.  On a very basic level, I rarely do much handwriting anymore.  I recently received a letter from an old friend in another state.  She still prefers handwriting letters, while I find it easier to organize my thoughts using Word.  I can delete and rearrange my thoughts more easily.  Last year, I made the transition to using a Kindle Fire for reading.  I wasn’t sure that I would like giving up the feel of holding a book, but I love the ereader format.  I can download books from the library or find books on Amazon.  I can bookmark, highlight, or take notes.  I can also access the internet and use different apps like Evernote or Angry Birds on my Kindle. 


Today, technology has infiltrated all aspects of my learning.  My personal challenge as a digital immigrant is to stay informed as new technology uses emerge.  Even though the pace of change is daunting and the implementation of new technology can be overwhelming, I’m enthusiastic about the use of technology in learning and the field of education.




Laureate Education, Inc. (2009). Connectivism. [Video Podcast]. [With George


Conlan, J., Grabowski, S., & Smith, K. (2003). Adult learning. In M. Orey (Ed.), Emerging

perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology. Retrieved from

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Learning Connections and Connectivism

“New technology forces the 21st century learner to process and apply information in a very different way and at a very different pace from any other time in history (Davis, Edmunds, Kelly-Bateman, 2008).  According to Siemens (2005), with the constant barrage of new technology, we cannot experience everything as we learn new things, but rather we need to create networks of learning communities where we can share ideas with others (Davis, Edmunds, Kelly-Bateman, 2008). As modern learners, we have this idea of connectivism that integrates technology, social networks, and information (Laureate Education, 2009). 

When I have a question or need to research a topic, the vast majority of the time I turn to Google and the internet.  For example, our state has implemented the new common core standards.  I have been to several professional development meetings to learn more about these standards, but find myself frequently using the internet to gain a better understanding of how the standards apply to my grade level and to look for activities and materials to support my teaching.

I routinely use the internet for both personal and professional learning.  The number of website resources for teachers is overwhelming.  Within my social network of teachers, we share newly discovered websites with each other.  (This sharing of links and emailing links back-and-forth can also be overwhelming.)  During a summer staff development program, I learned about Livebinder, which seems like a helpful website that allows users to organize links in a virtual 3-three binder.  I started both a professional and a family Livebinder this year to help organize all of the sites that I want to reference for different topics.  

In addition to technology, I also rely heavily on social networks, for me these are primarily face-to-face with teachers at my school. It takes time and effort to establish these relationships, but it is certainly beneficial to build a network of go-to people.  There is a strong emphasis on collaborating at my school.  We meet as a grade level and planning teams on a regular basis to brainstorm together.  At my previous school, collaboration was not a priority.  Comparing these two environments, I know that I am a more effective teacher when I am networking and collaborating.

One struggle or challenge that I face is the pressure of change.  It feels like the pace of change is ever increasing, and it is difficult to keep up.  Currency is one basic principle of connectivism which states that “accurate and up-to-date knowledge is the intent of all connectivist learning activities” (Davis, Edmunds, Kelly-Bateman, 2008).  Having a wealth of resources and information on the internet and a ready network of teachers helps me to learn and stay up-to-date.

Since beginning with Walden University, I have added a new branch to my learning connections.  Building a network with classmates and learning from each other, having our instructors facilitate our learning, plus the variety of learning resources has made the transition to online learning easier.  I find embarking on this new learning journey to be challenging, but also rewarding and thought-provoking.


Davis, C., Edmunds, E., & Kelly-Bateman, V. (2008). Connectivism. In M. Orey (Ed.),

Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology.  Retrieved

Laureate Education, Inc. (2009). Connectivism. [Video Podcast]. [With George



Saturday, November 10, 2012

Week 2

Part of my assignment in week 2 required locating at least two resources dealing with our topic of the week:  the brain and learning, information processing theory, and problem-solving methods during the learning process.  First of all, there is a ton of information out there to sift through!   Here are two sites that I chose to feature this week:

Website #1:
After Google searching and reading for awhile, I ran across the website Reading Rockets.  I chose this site because as an elementary teacher, I find the study of the brain and its impact on learning fascinating.  Why do some children come to third grade with below grade reading levels?  Why do some children struggle to learn to read?  Reading Rockets, which is funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, highlights some brain imaging research that may indicate why some children struggle to read.  To learn more about the brain and learning research, I watched the four short video segments included on the Reading Rockets website.  Research is being done on babies as young as one day old to predict later struggles with reading.  In the video segment Reading and the Brain, doctors use MRIs to diagnose dyslexia in children.  They hope that one day MRIs will be used more commonly to offer early diagnosis in order to provide appropriate interventions.  By the time students get to third grade, if they are a struggling reader they often develop a low self-image, begin to hate school, and struggles begin to also show up in math, science, and social studies due to their lower reading abilities.  With early interventions, we can help many of these students become stronger readers before they begin to hate school and think of themselves as stupid or dumb.

Website #2:
Another source of interesting information I came across was on the ASDC website.  The website featured chapter 4, Movement and Learning, from Eric Jensen’s book Teaching with the Brain in Mind, 2nd edition.  At my current school, our administration emphasizes shorter lessons, keeping students active, and creating hands-on math learning activities to help students learn.  Well, this chapter discusses the brain research behind this.  The chapter begins with a great quote:

             “It’s truly astonishing that the dominate model for formal learning is still “sit and git.” 
            It’s not just astonishing; it’s embarrassing.  Why do we persist when the evidence that
lecture alone does not cut it so strong (Dolcourt, 2000; Slavin, 1994)?

Jensen’s chapter 4 goes on to discuss that exercise increases oxygen to the brain, and also feeds it neurotropins that “increase the number of connections between neurons”.  Further, exercise increases the baseline of new neuron growth.  I’m not a brain expert and I don’t claim to understand all of the science, but what I do understand are the results of exercise; exercise can have the capacity to improve cognition according to Jensen.  Some of the examples that Jensen gives include what you might typically think of as exercise, such as running, soccer, and dance.  However, there are indoor exercise/play activities that are also beneficial to improved cognition:  building models, stretching, solving puzzles, scavenger hunts, or playing make believe.

When teaching younger children, we try to keep them moving.  But, when I think of my own sons in middle and high school, they spend most of their day sitting and listening.  There is no recess break.  My middle school son attends P.E. one quarter each school year.  My high school son took P.E. online over the summer to fulfill that four year requirement.  Further, as an adult learning, when I attend professional development we sit and listen, sometimes for hours.  Why do we require learners past 5th grade to sit all day when learning?

I know that when I go back to my classroom next week, I’ll work to incorporate more of Jensen’s suggested exercise into my daily teaching routine.  However, after reading this chapter, I’m left wondering how this research impacts adult learners.  Has similar research been completed showing that teens and adults have improved cognition and learning benefits from exercise?  Intuitively, I believe that the research holds true for older learners as well.  I know that hours of sitting and learning is not effective for me.  As someone who may be training or instructing adults in the future, I would like to delve into this area further.


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Instructional Design Blogs

The goal of my first posting was to enter the world of blogging by first creating my own blog (did it!) and to search out some helpful blogs related to instructional design.  Here are a few blogs that I selected to feature on this posting:

David Anderson has two blogs related to instructional design and learning.  First, his E-learning Examples blog highlights different examples of multimedia learning.  He states that he wanted to provide “inspiration and learning opportunities” for professionals that are designing learning.   Some of the multimedia categories that he highlights are:  quizzes and activities, corporate e-learning, interactive maps, Adobe Flash journalism, and infographics.  Within each category, there are real world examples.  Mr. Anderson’s second blog is Multimedia Learning.  Here he posts learning videos that give technology tips.  For example, his latest posting is how to use Tube Chop.  This is a technology that allows you to easily edit and shorten any YouTube video if you only want to use a portion of it.   As a student of instructional design and a relative novice at technology, I found both of Anderson’s blogs interesting.  I enjoy the examples of multimedia learning, and I find the technology ideas and instruction helpful.


Another blog that I will be following is Joel Gardner’s Reflections on Instructional Design.  His blog focuses on practical ideas and professional development for instructional designers.  I find his blog helpful because some of his posts discuss basic design theories that will help me develop as a professional.  For example, one of his posts is titled “What is Instructional Design?”  This posting details his definition of what an instructional designer does.  As a graduate student in my second course at Walden with no background in instructional design, I found this blog posting helpful.  I appreciate learning from someone in the field teaching and designing courses.


In researching instructional design blogs, I also came across eLearning Industry.  This site is an online site for instructional designers and eLearning professionals.  On this site, one can find job opportunities, as well as a forum for sharing ideas.  There are articles, links, and featured industry bloggers.  I think it will be helpful to see what is out there as far as eLearning and instructional design jobs.  Further, there are links to blogs of instructional designers and elearning professionals from a variety of fields.  I find it useful that all of these professionals are available on one site.